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Resurgence of Salmon & Steelhead!

Fishing has been great in recent weeks around Del Loma. From E.B. Duggan's Oct. 11 report:

It seems a little late but the fish are here! In the last four weeks the Willow Creek weir has counted 2,281 Chinook salmon and 142 steelhead. These are great numbers for this time of year and compared to last year... At the rate the salmon and steelhead are making it to the Willow Creek weir and up river is much grater than last year in fact the count is double from that of 2019. *** The good news is that there are plenty of salmon and steelhead moving up the river. I know that it is a bit later than normal but I attribute that to the warm water from the summer. Now that it has cooled down, we are seeing great numbers of salmon going through the area.

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